Apparently Clark’s world was already sowing the seeds that would lead to the world Lois was currently living in.
I was thinking earlier that C&L would stay in her world, but this makes me wonder if they'll go back to his because they still have time to change it.

The boy was staring at him, and had his cell phone held before him like some sort of shield.

Clark froze for a moment, and then shrugged. Who was going to believe a kid who said he’d seen a man who could fly?

A moment later he was gone, not bothering to look back at the teenager’s expression of glee.
Oh, hell.

After everything she’d done for the network they were letting her go.
Oh, Lois. But I'll bet she'll stop at nothing to prove that she didn't fake that footage.

He was surprised when she turned and hugged him tightly.
Unexpected, but yay!

lisa in the sky with diamonds