“This is that magic moment where you make a choice to either be the person you want to become, or the person that you already are.”
Fantastic line. It may just become my new tag line for a while.

“For one whole week, a man has been flying around my city in his underwear and what do we have?”

“It seems that my powers aren’t the only things my parents think I’m running from. I’m told that it’s time for me to be a father.”
Go Martha!

We (the FoLC fandom) usually operate under the assumption that Clark was destined to become Superman and that he was destined to be with Lois. But in this reality, one has to wonder - how much of it came out because of the manuscript and how much would have happened anyway? Which was the cause and which the effect? Don't you just love the paradoxes of time travel? laugh

lisa in the sky with diamonds