I wish I had the time to read both halves tonight. My favorite part was her quiet conversation with Superman, "If you can hear me, will you stop by in your abundance of free time? Not an emergency. Just get to me whenever." Way cute!

I have to say that I wasn't fond of his proposal or of her having told him she figured out. It sounded too much like he was saying, "If you've got to marry someone..." Of course, she has that third option of remaining single. I'm a big believer in marriage, but I don't feel like it should be entered into rashly. This sounded like a Magic 8 Ball approach to it.

Also, if she knew that Clark was Superman, she set him up when she asked Superman while making jibes about Clark.

I know I've been tough on you, but that's just because I like Moonfics so much. I still liked your story, but this one isn't my favorite one in your repertoire.

who's hoping I will fall hopelessly in love with the end