"Couldn't..." Lois sighed again. "Did you have to do it as Superman, Clark?"
rotflol rotflol

Delightful. At last a Lois Lane that has it figured out. The pity is we know what happen when he DID do it as Clark.

Clearly this is a case of six of one a half dozen of the other. If he proposes as Clark she turns him down and chases after Superman. Proposing as Superman she complains he should have proposed as Clark.

It seems to me that asking Superman to explain when Clark would not is a clear test. This is the point when she wanted Clark to trust her with his duel identity and then detail his reasons for not trusting Luthor.

It seems clear that she is giving Clark's distrust of Luthor more weight than the Lois in the series did. Likely because this Lois knows Clark is Superman.

This brings up another concern, if she knows Clark is Superman, why is she still dating Luthor?
