Wonderful addition, Shayne - as always.

One of my favorite parts of this story is the view of the "new" world through Clark's POV so I was really glad to see it come back here. Like others said, the description of the "music" was stellar.

I like that Lois's reactions to everything that has happened so far have been natural- in that she tries to see everything logistically, fitting it to makes sense with what she knows of her world (Clark jumped from the plane, he climbed her building, etc). That said, now that she is getting confronted with things that aren't so easily explained (i.e. her windows being cleaned from the outside), I hope that it won't take her very long to put it all together. I want to see them working as a team to fight off the baddies!

Thanks for sharing~

October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles