Another great part, Shayne! I'm sort of glad you're posting this in short installments. If you had posted the whole finished story, I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to keep from reading it in one sitting. wink

It seems like that penny is ready to drop, teetering on the edge. laugh The question is, is Lois going to see Clark on TV, or see him come back in her window still wet and covered with sea slime? Once she's broken through her barrier of disbelief, she'll put all the clues together.

I don't think Clark is in a Suit yet; it seems like he still has a (Lana-induced) inferiority complex, what with the continual proclamations that he's "not Superman." I hope Lois can convince him otherwise. Also, I don't think he has a Suit yet. Lois had to make one for alt-Clark in the original show.

And even though this is alt-Clark, I'm still hoping he makes it back to Metropolis with his secret intact. It all hinges on whether the government mentioned Clark Kent = Superman in their interrogations.

I can't wait for the next installment! hyper