she was now in possession of the fabled Anthony West manuscript
I love this! Herb shoots off his mouth in his old age secure in the knowledge that he'll never be believed!
As the rumors went, West had been determined to publish the book as non-fiction, but no one believed him. Eventually, instead of staking his literary reputation on a story the world would only accept as science fiction, West had locked the manuscript away, never to be seen or talked about again.
And Herb was right, almost no one did believe!

Now can we please have Herb talking about Lois BY NAME! No hints, no round abouts, I want to see Lois reading the book and find herself, described as fiery stubborn Metropolis Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane feared far and wide, often known as "Mad Dog Lane"!

It will give her the motivation to track down Clark. I'm assuming that since she knows about him he has fled and will switch to using an alias (perhaps Charles King?) and it will take her a long time, a year or two, to catch up with him.
