Oh man, what a great story! I just came across it the other day and I'm eagerly waiting for each new installment. God knows our "real world" could use a Superman. But, as your fic is making clear, we'll drive him away with our fear and paranoia.

Of course my big questions:

1) How will Clark & Lois meet? (off to a good start already)

2) Will she update him on the fact that in our world, he's a fictional character?

3) I'm assuming that Clark will get all the people on the plane back to their proper universe (or maybe not?) - how?

4) If Clark Kent can travel from his universe to ours, what about kryptonite? The presence of Superman implies that kryptonite must follow. Every action/person/whatever contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction.

All I can say is, please, please post more soon!