Actually, from the viewpoint of the Homeland Security people, their plan is brilliant!

They have verified that, not only are a great number of the passengers and crew of the plane doppelgangers of real people, but they are physically identical to them right down to the fingerprints! That suggests only two (albeit equally unlikely) possibilities:

(a) They are clones, created as part of an elaborate hoax, using cloning technology beyond anything currently known in the USA, and somehow having access to their hosts' DNA (but how to explain the cloned plane?), or --

(b) The planeload of people really appeared out of nowhere, from an alternate reality which is a close-but-imperfect approximation of our own.

Admittedly, premise (a) is extremely unlikely, but hey -- if the shoe fits...

But premise (b), while really out there, is actually the simpler of the two -- Occam's razor?

How to prove it? The remains of Lucy Lane are the key. She's been dead for five years. If her remains prove to have been previously undisturbed, but DNA samples from the remains and from alt-Lucy match, there's no way that the evil conspirators could have had prior access to the DNA, leaving only premise (b) as the answer. Voila!

Ann, your comments about our Lois's cool levelheadedness

<lots of examples>
are generally right on the mark -- and then Lois has to go and spoil it all:

The thought that the car might be driven by a maniac had never occurred to him.

The sound of a woman cursing from the front seat was punctuated by sudden changes in direction as she spun her wheels quickly on the concrete of the parking lot.

All Clark could do was hold himself still in the trunk with one hand on the broken latch.

If he’d been vulnerable to car wrecks, he’d have been terrified. As it was, the woman in the front seat sounded a little intimidating.
Yep, that's Lois!

-- Snave