Sweet story Dede. Well done for posting with the big boys!
Thanks. It took me a lot of guts, I’ll tell you that. At some point I thought no one would even bother to read my story. I’m so glad it didn’t turn out like that. I like your ending by the way. But I think Clark would kill me if I did that to Lois!

I'm so very glad you posted. I thought it was a very well-written story, particularly for someone who spoke English as a second language. (Although it did take me a long time to figure out that Lois was hiding behind a tree in the opening scene and not the number that comes after two.)
I tried to perfect my story the best way I could. It makes me feel so proud of myself when you say that it was well-written. =) And thanks for the hint, I’ll edit that part.

By the way, if you ever want a beta reader, just ask somebody.
I know there is people available, but I don’t like to just come up to someone “Hey, wanna be my beta reader?” I might take you up on your offer someday if you are not too busy.

Very nicely done.
blush laugh smile1 Thanks!!!