Giggles... Oh, joy. I get to comment on someboday who takes longer to post parts than me. rotflol (Smile. I’m teasing you....)

Lois was just adorable when she was irritated. Plus, her rants were almost as fun to listen to as her babble-tangents.
Aww... That’s just so Lois.

“No, no, that’s not it,” he hurried to explain, quietly so as not to be overheard by their colleagues ranged around the bullpen. “Mom and Dad were already at my apartment, right? So when Jor-El and Lara and the others contacted me in my head, it woke me up. I was so surprised, I must have shouted because I woke up Mom and Dad, so I told them what the other four were saying, and we came up with the plan for this evening. I had already planned to tell you about it when you got here, but I didn’t know you had over-slept. I called you as soon as I could get to a phone after I realized you weren’t here yet.”
Lois *is* not the only one that babbles...

It was like she was reciting a lesson, or she was some kind of brainwashed propaganda machine for Minitrue.
As I’ve never read 1984, this made little sense to me, but I think I got the gist of it.

“Do your people not have brains to think? Do they not have hearts to feel? Are you all robots, doing only what you’re told, never questioning whether or not those commands are right and good? Did no one think for themselves on Krypton?”
You tell ‘em Lois. Very nicely said, Darcy.

Laws of Excuse
I like that.

“Lady Zara is not merely a noblewoman,” Ching protested. “She is the First Lady, blood heir to the Kryptonian monarchy, and Lord Kal-El is the ruler consort, First Lord of New Krypton.” Clark stared at Ching, eyes wide, and jaw slack. Him, a king? The idea was daunting, to say the least.
I always took it from the show that Clark was the blood heir to the monarchy and Zara was the ruler consort, especially since he seemed to more take command aboard the ship than she did. It’s interesting to see a different take on it.

Were I to refuse a husband and sever the birth marriage after the thirty-first anniversary of my birth,
Just curious - why her 31st birthday?

Great part, Darcy. Your writing has improved. You’ve inspired to get off my butt and post another part of A New Hero. smile

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~