YAY! More reason to procrastinate!! wink

[rant]Can someone just smack all the other Kryptonians upside the head? Please? This is something that frustrates me with all NK stories [my own included]. [sarcasm]Lord Kal-El[/sarcasm] wasn't raised on Krypton or New Krypton or any other Krypton. How does he still fall under their laws? Is it like saying 'okay you had a birth marriage which is legally binding in Canada but you left for whatever reason and went to the US to live when you were like 3 months old, but we're going to force you back to Canada to marry some chick you've never met'? Maybe Canada/US isn't a a good example because of the relatively similar cultures etc. But what about US/Canada and say Saudi Arabia or India or something? Especially if you were the birth wife. Okay - I get extradition for things like murder and stuff, but extradition for cheating on a birth wife you never knew about or something? Give me a freaking break.[/rant for now wink ]

Anyway - someone should smack those NKers upside the head is my point. Or get Lois some Kryptonite while Clark is at a Typhoon in Japan or something. It'll be all taken care of by the time he gets back.

I'm hoping the next part isn't so long in coming. I'm not liking Cash and the General guy, but I'm probably not supposed to wink .

More soon please smile .