I can't understand why you haven't received any FDK on this yet, Kevin. It's absolutely delightful and full of the most delicious humour!

If there were corrupt corporate sharks ready to seize control of the new power source, or if the generator ran off Soylent Green, I'd be on it in a heartbeat. Exposing the naked underbelly of criminals -- that's my job. I'm just not interested in writing about plasma and quirks and protons."

"Quarks, Lois."
Hah! Great start! Sharks, naked underbellies, plasma, quirks and quarks! (Although I don't get that Soylent Green thing. EDIT: Okay, I looked it up - it's a futuristic sci-fi food product made of recycled human cadavers. Oh, and about the picture - sorry, couldn't resist:)

[Linked Image]

"That's what I mean! You seem to read the encyclopedia for fun, and know more than anyone who's not wearing a white lab coat about this stuff. You probably get Scientific American magazine, *no*, I'll bet you *write* for Scientific American in your spare time, not that we have much. Spare time, that is.
Deliciously "flavored" Lois babbling (seeing we are partly talking about quarks, which come in six "flavors"). laugh

You know a quark from a quirk, a proton from a futon, and are leaving me in the lurch on this story!
rotflol (And I had to look up a futon just for this!)

[Linked Image]

(And a photon, by the way, is a "unit" or a "package" of light:)

[Linked Image]

Clark laughed at her babble. It was one of the million things that kept him, like a trapped electron, as close in orbit to Lois Lane as possible.
Clark as a trapped electron orbiting Lois. I love it.

"Just take good notes, Lois. I've got the technical sidebar already started and will be more than happy to get your electrons excited in it."
Clark is going to be more than happy to get Lois's electrons excited! You're killing me, Kevin! I'm such an astronomy buff, and I've had to learn about excited electrons thanks to this kind of thing:

[Linked Image]

This is a tight group of hot blue stars, surrounded by dust lanes and a cloud of hydrogen gas. The stars give off a lot of ultraviolet light, and when an ultraviolet photon hits a hydrogen atom, it knocks the electron into a higher orbit around the proton. Voila, we have got an excited electron! And when the electron falls back into its original orbit again it gives off red light, hence the red light in the picture. Wow! I can just see Clark exciting Lois's electrons, causing Lois to glow with a red red light! rotflol

[Linked Image]

(So this isn't really Lois, but....)

Lois glanced at him, not sure whether he'd just made a pun, a pass at her, or both.
I think it was a pass!

By the way, quarks. I'll quote Answers.com for what they actually are:


Any of a group of six elementary particles having electric charges of a magnitude one-third or two-thirds that of the electron, regarded as constituents of all hadrons.
Hadrons, by the way, are protons and neutrons and possibly something else that I don't know about. A proton, incidentally, is supposedly made up of two "up" quarks, which have a charge of +2/3, and one "down" quark, having a charge of -1/3. This gives the proton a total charge of +1. So this is supposedly a proton - note the two "up" quarks and the one "down" quark:

[Linked Image]

(Ain't "atom-ology" beautiful? laugh )

But hey, the very name, quark! This is where it comes from, according to Answers.com:

[From Three quarks for Muster Mark!, a line in Finnegans Wake by James Joyce.]
Delightful! Delightful! I love stories that makes me look up things and wonder about concepts and words, and makes me wonder how they apply to the world of LnC!

"I guess so, Farmboy! Who else in this office could put up with your high maintenance but me? Good thing I have an excess of patience -- it's fortunate for you that Perry saw my ability to handle you, and paired us up!"

Now it was Clark's turn to be stunned, before joining in her laughter. Patience, her? High maintenance, him? If Clark didn't know that Lois made her living with words, he'd suspect a sort of pronoun dyslexia.
Pronoun dyslexia! So that you don't know the difference between me and you, he and she! Kevin, you are killing me!!! rotflol

And not only that, but you make me write FDK that takes a long time to compose. And I'm writing this in the morning before I'm off to work, and I have just run out of time! So even though I have barely scratched the surface of this fic, I will have to stop writing now. But I so, so hope that others will give this story a chance, even if they don't get the slightest kick out of quarks and excited electrons. But, people, there is a strip-tease in this story, and I'm just saying... YOU MUSTN'T MISS IT!!!! Seriously!!!!
