Here's the FDK for submission number 5. You know the drill, speculate, but don't refute or confirm!

Here's my own feedback:

“That just sounds wrong on so many levels. Corn lover? It’s like a double entendre in a bad romance novel.”
Haha! I can already tell I'll like this one.

Her heart beating a little faster in her chest, she leaned up and planted a tiny kiss on the underside of his jaw, pausing for a brief moment to inhale the scent there. His hand tightened against her shoulder in response, and then he lazily began stroking her arm.
Mmm... that just made me melt into a warm puddle of goo.

I loved this one. Hehe, the end just made me laugh. One can never say Lois ever does anything half way!


Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile