First of all, yes, that last line is another direct quote from the book. It was actually that quote that inspired me to write this. I've been toying with story combining these two sets of characters ever since the OT thread about our favorite books. I included this in my reply:

I think Gibert was my first love. I always loved the way he loved Anne and wanted to find a guy who would be so patient and encouraging with me. (Hmm, come to think of it, his relationship with Anne is pretty similar to Clark's relationship with Lois. Funny how I never noticed that before.)
Ever since then I've been toying with this premise, but I had no ideas for a timeframe or plot. Then late last night I stumbled across the longer quote that is included in the story and this just came to me. As much as I kept telling myself to just write down an outline and go to bed, I couldn't do it. So I was up until 4am writing this in one sitting.

It's just a piece of fluff, but I hope it's a fun piece of fluff. Anyone who hasn't read the Anne books, I highly recommend them. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be amazed how similar the romance in to Lois and Clark. smile

All thoughts, comments, etc welcome smile


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen