Annie, I've barely had any time to spend on the boards in a month, so this morning I thought I'd start small, rather than with the multi-parters calling out to me. So I scrolled through and was delighted to find your wonderful "piece of fluff", as you call it. Absolutely delightful! notworthy notworthy

I adore the "Anne" series myself, and my 10-year-old son is happily reading them now. (I think I need to read them again myself!) Lovely parallels with the relationships between both sets of characters, and a very nice way to bring this truth home to Lois.

Of course I love that once she realized that truth, she had to immediately try to put things right. What she said to Clark was perfect. And certainly it will come as no surprise that I *loved* this part and have to quote it, even though others have before me...
Then his lips were on hers, covering them and tasting her. He was timid at first, but he grew bolder by the second, claiming her lips with his, burning the moment onto her memory.

He pulled away suddenly and she felt bereft without him, her lips still tingling from where they’d touched his. His hand came up to cup her cheek, his thumb rubbing lightly against her sensitive skin.

“Are you sure? This is what you really want?”

“So sure,” she replied, her heart racing in her chest as she silently pleaded with him to believe her. She drew his face down to hers for another sweet kiss before pulling away just long enough to whisper, “I don’t want sunbursts or marble halls.... I just want you.”
Such a lovely piece, Annie! [Linked Image]


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5