And it worked very well!

Lois frowned. "But how can this get me into my own dimension? I mean, isn't this made from materials of this world and so it won't pass through to my world?"

Klein smiled at her and nodded. "Very good, Ms. Lane, and yes you are absolutely right the vehicle can't pass through the barrier, but we still believe that you will." She looked skeptical. "Perhaps I can explain it best with a simple analogy. Remember when you were a child and you rode your sled down a snowy hill. What would happen if your sled's runners would suddenly hit a rock or half-hidden log?"

"I'd fall off."

"Not exactly. You'd fall forward. The momentum you would have built up would propel your body forward, most likely off the sled completely. This vehicle should work for you in much the same way. While you won't be building up an actual physical momentum, you will have gained a dimensional momentum. When the vehicle hits the barrier it will stop, but it's my belief that your momentum will catapult you into your dimension."

(And as for the dying of a broken heart - hey, I just meant that since Alt-Clark keeps doing all that grieving and grieving, you might relieve him of his grief by breaking his heart and sending him into his own "other dimension", where he will find himself encircled by the ethereal arms of Ghost-Lois... laugh )

But I'm really not complaining about the ending we got! It was great, Tank!
