Whew, what a relief!

When I read the feedback on part one of this story, I was actually too scared to read part one itself. The situation that had been set up seemed too hopeless. What if Tank couldn't fix it? frown
Ahh, but he could!!! clap

Tank, I love your science and science fiction angle, and your use of both Doctor Kleins. This was priceless:

"Dimensional mechanics for dummies, please."
I'm sure that dimensional mechanics is not unknown to Dr. Klein - did you know that a current theory of the universe requires that it must have eleven dimensions? - but it may be harder for the good doctor to serve up the version for dummies! laugh

But whatever version of dimensional mechanics Dr. Klein was able to deliver, the good old mechanics of time travel device building, made possible by alt-Clark's photographic memory, brought Lois back!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Tank! sloppy
