Upon seeing this alt-clark is guilt ridden and dies of a broken heart. At that point, he finally finds his Lois, dead these four years and they spend eternity together.
James!! What a splendid idea!

Have any of you read the medieval Celtic romantic tragedy of Tristan, a Cornish knight, and Iseult (or Isolde, a name which I prefer), an Irish princess? They fall in love but can't have each other, because Isolde is forced to marry a king. Tristan goes away, marries another woman, takes part in a war and gets seriously wounded. Before he dies, he wants to see the love of his life, Isolde, one more time, so he sends for her, asking her to come. He asks his wife to tell him if Isolde is coming, but the jealous woman informs him that Isolde will not come. So Tristan dies of a broken heart! I love it. Almost immediately afterwards Isolde arrives, finds Tristan dead, and she, too, dies of a broken heart!!! Isn't it, well, adorable?

Tristan and Isolde are not buried together, but their love is so strong that a blackberry bush, which grows between their graves, sends one root down into Tristan's grave and one root down into Isolde's grave, and so the lovers are reunited after death.

I couldn't find any good pictures of them dying together of broken hearts, so this image will have to do.

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