Before I get into answering fdk, I must apologize first to both LabRat and Laura S. You see both of them contributed a little something that inspired me to write this story.
Hel-lo. Okay, doubly intriguing! No clue what flash of obvious brilliance I happened to impart laugh , but looking forward to seeing what you did with it anyway. wink

LabRat, you have no idea how big of a "SQUEEEE" [Hyper] I let out when I saw that not only had you left me fdk, but you had started the fdk thread - especially since I know you don't read a lot of fanfic these days - woohoo!!!
Okay, now you're making me feel guilty, because it wasn't terribly good fdk. blush Guess I'll just have to try harder for part two, huh? (Peeks into folder...wot, no part two up yet?)

Why yes, I am some kind of crazy, nutso woman as a matter of fact.
Well that's a good thing to be. Especially round these here parts.

Takes another peek. No part two, yet, I see.

LabRat smile

PS Where's part two?

PPS The inspiration doesn't have anything to do with sheep, I hope. shock

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers