After smashing more alarm clocks than most people cared to own in a lifetime, he had bought one with a radio instead. It was set to go off in the mornings on a classical music station - soothing and pleasant to listen to.
You should so take my approach, Clark...set an alarm clock on the other side of the room.

Superman had saved the Planet from annihilation by an asteroid, but he may not yet have faced his biggest challenge.

OOH. That's an incredibly sketchy way to start off the story! I love it.

Hmmm, just a big RAFO! My mind is just reeling about the new clone and who possibly created him...although Jojo's comment below me is pretty creepy. Maybe Clark has an identity disorder...

I didn’t intend for this to be another HoL rewrite, it just sort of happened that way. Come to think of it... I actually have another HoL rewrite on the backburner.
*stands up and clears throat*
Hi, my name is JD, and I'm an HoL addict. I cannot live this lie any longer!


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy