Ahhh, Beth, you know you are stoking my anger at Clark and making me say bad things about him, don't you? Isn't there a criminal charge of instigating unnecessary outbursts in other people? I mean, here you show me how Lois is standing by Clark in spite of his lies to her, and she pays for her entire relationship with him by figuring prominently and very unpleasantly in the bottom dregs of the press - and in the midst of her agonizing over that, Clark tells Lois that he's feeling sorry for Mayson!!!! Just look at how much he empathizes with Lois's suffering here:

“Mayson must be going through hell,” he murmured. Lois paused mid-rant, and turned towards him, eyes flashing.


“Well, it's just that she doesn't deserve all this attention. This whole thing has been difficult enough for her without everyone thinking we're romantically involved.” He looked at Lois, who looked like she was ready to impale him with her pencil. “It's just that I feel bad for her.” Lois' face darkened. “But, I'm sorry I interrupted. Go back to your um… cursing. Or whatever.”
Go back to your um... cursing!!!! Don't let me interrupt your protracted outburst just because I need to feel sorry for the woman who is really suffering here, Mayson Drake!!!! mad wildguy Insert picture of me kicking Clark's backside with a kryptonite boot!

Okay, Lois gave him a piece of her mind, but I really think she forgave him too quickly. She should have told him that she didn't want to see him for the rest of that day, so he could go and talk to Mayson if he was feeling lonely. (Ahh, but... then you would have made some badguy attack her and Clark would have to come to her rescue, and then he would tell her, sarcastically, that he apologized for bursting in on her and saving her even though she had told him that she didn't want to see him!)

“So,” Clark hesitated. “Where does that leave us?”

“We just need to take things a little slower. Can you do that?”

“Lois, I'll go as slow as you need.
This is not exactly what I want to hear. I spent more than twenty years waiting for my childhood comic book hero, Superman, to get together with Lois Lane. Believe me, that was very slow, and still nothing happened. The problem was hardly that he was rushing things, the problem was his prevarications and excuses and his cowardice and callousness. Honestly the real problem seemed to be that all things considered, Superman apparently thought that life without Lois was simpler and more satisfying than life with her would be, but he found it hard to tell her so. Better to let her go on hoping for a pipe dream that could never come true, while he went on his own life as usual. Yes, that was what things were like in the comic books, not in the LnC show, but let me tell you, Beth, I haven't forgiven comic book Superman for his treatment of Lois. And when I see some of the same callousness in LnC Clark, I blow my top. Really, Clark doesn't need to take things more slowly with Lois, he needs to truly love her and commit himself to her instead! He isn't doing that if he is all wrapped up in his guilt about Mayson while Lois is going to pieces right next to him.

Okay, they found a clue about who it might be that left the kryptonite in Clark's desk drawer. I want to know who that was, and I want Lois and Clark to catch the villain, of course. More than that, I want them to find a way to deal with the outcome of the fact that Clark's secret has been blown. But most of all I want to see that Clark truly loves Lois, because I'm still not convinced of that, Beth!
