The fact that Lois has a photo of them in Smallville on her desk gives me all sorts of warm fuzzies.

I absolutely love Clark's interaction with Tessa. Sounds a lot like my husband - kids love him.

He wore the necklace and earring, keeping the bracelet on the floor beside him.
lol I've been grinning since the beginning of this fic but this image has propelled me past grinning to outright laughter.

He had answered the door half dressed in drag!


“Hi…Clark…” she managed to get out between gasps of laughter. “Nice… crown.”
OMG I can't breathe! Must take laughter break.

“Lois? Are you Clark’s girlfriend?” The seven-year-old cocked her head to the side with real curiosity.
Of course she would ask that!

“Do you think he’s handsome? Like Aladdin? Clark, you kind of look like Aladdin. But you wear more clothes,” Tessa said conversationally to her sitter. “And you don’t have a secret identity.”
Can all this laughing count as my exercise for the day? Seriously, I'm dying here!

Clark leaned in closely, reading softly from a Nancy Drew book by the light of a small lamp.

The image was so domestic; Lois had to stifle a gasp as it connected with her heart. For a moment, it was very easy to envision Clark as the father of this child. But the thought of some other woman being the mother sent a sharp pang ricocheting around in her rib cage.

After an hour and a half of TV, Clark looked down to see Lois fast asleep beside him. Taking his chance while he had it, he spoke very softly to her.

“Lois, you asked me what I could possibly want more than being a father and I wasn’t sure if you were ready to hear my answer. But more than being a father, Lois, I’d love to be your husband. That’s my dearest wish, sweetheart.”

He brushed one more, very light kiss against her forehead and then settled in for the next episode, the black and white light flickering across them in the silent house.
These are wonderfully tender. I really like the last line; the imagery is perfect, I can see it so clearly.

Great job, Laura.

lisa in the sky with diamonds