Like I said, Laura...

Tessa’s musings were cut short as Clark opened the door. And then the most peculiar thing happened. He turned a bright, tomato red and immediately reached up to tug the crown off his head. Tessa caught it in mid air, delighted with this forfeit. She placed it firmly on her head and then returned her attention to the two adults in the hall. There was a pretty girl on the other side of the door. She had dark hair like herself and Clark. And she couldn’t seem to stop laughing.

Clark wanted to sink in a hole and stay there for the rest of his natural life. When he had pulled open the door, seeing his partner on the other side had not been a part of the plan. How had she gotten here? She was thousands of miles away from Metropolis! Even Lois couldn’t get lost that badly. And he had answered the door half dressed in drag!
Oh the things that men swear that they would never do...until they have daughters...then all hands are down. Even though Tessa isn't Clark's daughter, he has assumed a fatherly role because it's just so natural to him.
“Lois? Are you Clark’s girlfriend?” The seven-year-old cocked her head to the side with real curiosity.

Lois stopped in mid cheer at the question. “Umm…” she stumbled a little, shooting a look at Clark. He merely shrugged, looking at her expectantly. Lois vowed to extract her revenge on the traitor, later.

“You don’t know?” Tessa asked incredulously. “See, a girl in my class told me a boyfriend is someone you like more than any of the other boys in the whole school. Do you like Clark more than the other boys?”

Something told Lois that the little girl who idolized Clark wouldn’t take well to any answer but the affirmative.

“Well, yes, I do,” she uttered truthfully, a little nonplussed at the unexpected third degree.
“Do you think he’s handsome? Like Aladdin? Clark, you kind of look like Aladdin. But you wear more clothes,” Tessa said conversationally to her sitter. “And you don’t have a secret identity.”

Now Clark was bright red and as flummoxed as Lois.

“Um… Yes. I guess I think he’s handsome,” Lois ground out a little awkwardly. Tessa paid her no mind.

“Like Aladdin?”

Unsure as to the correct answer to this, Lois nodded.
Kids can tend to lay things out so plainly for us. And they do it so innocently.
“I’m sorry about all the questions, Lois.”

Lois smiled and looked down at her feet. “It’s okay, I didn’t mind too much. Besides, I do like you better than all the boys at school, what do you think about that?”

“Better than that bully, Scardino?”


Laughing in relief, Clark tugged her close to him and gave her a hug. “I’m glad you’re here, Lois.”

“Me too, boyfriend.”
Pay attention, Clark. Lois is telling you what she wants.
The image was so domestic; Lois had to stifle a gasp as it connected with her heart. For a moment, it was very easy to envision Clark as the father of this child. But the thought of some other woman being the mother sent a sharp pang ricocheting around in her rib cage.
Lois is getting a first hand view of Clark...and THEIR kids...what it would be like. Yeah, she's thinking that!
“Thanks for babysitting with me.”

“You’re welcome. You’re wonderful with Tessa. Probably all kids. You’re going to make a great father some day.”

For some reason, her words made him flinch. “Yes, if it’s possible, I’d want to be a father more than almost anything.”

“Almost?” Lois prodded.

Clark remained silent.
Does Lois know that Clark is Superman and that's why he said "if it's possible"? This exchange was so sweet.
“What else do you want more than being a father, Clark?” She asked again, curious as to what could lay such a fierce claim in her partner’s heart.
He wants you more than anything...dipstick!
“Actually, if you tell me what you want more than being a father, I promise I’ll never breathe a word about it again.”

Chagrined that Lois had returned to the topic, Clark shook his head. “Nuh-uh, nothing doing.”

“Come on, please Clark?”


“You’re a big jerk,” she pouted playfully. “You won’t even tell your girlfriend? I think you’re more handsome than Aladdin, after all.”

Lois used the word “girlfriend” lightly, but Clark’s expression didn’t change.

“Is that what you are, really, Lois?”
He's asking Lois...
She craved his company, yes. She… loved him, yes. But was it just a friendship kind of love? Her mind dwelled on the feelings that had reared up when she thought of Clark someday marrying some other woman.

“I’d like to be your boyfriend, Lois,” Clark said softly. “I think you’re the nicest girl in the class. And if you had pigtails, I’d probably pull them all recess. I’d break my Double Fudge Crunch Bar in half and give you the bigger piece.” He lowered his voice. “And I’d like to hold your hand.”

Stifling a laugh and a cry simultaneously behind her hand at his impromptu speech, Lois let out a nervous giggle as she picked up his hand and intertwined their fingers.

“I’d like to be your girlfriend, then, Clark Kent. You had me at the Double Fudge Crunch Bar.”

The grin that split Clark’s face nearly got in the way of the sweet kiss they shared.
Gawh! This is so sweet and innocent, in a grade school sort of way. Oh, I'm just mush right now!

Let's see, drop dead gorgeous...patient and kind...good with kids and wants kids...small town they sell this at Publix?
“Lois, you asked me what I could possibly want more than being a father and I wasn’t sure if you were ready to hear my answer. But more than being a father, Lois, I’d love to be your husband. That’s my dearest wish, sweetheart.”
I'm just a blob of useless goo now. This was just so sweet and innocent. I've gotten teary a couple of times. Laura I don't know how you do it.

You had me at:
When the phone rang at Lois Lane’s desk on Friday afternoon Clark Kent thought nothing of it.
Thank you, Laura for such a wonderful story. Like I said...well, you know what I said!

~Sheila hail

I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.