Caroline, this was an abosolutely enchanting story. I loved it! Others have already mentioned it, but I felt all of Lois' emotions so clearly. It was a perfect mix of poignant sadness, humour and joyfulness. <sigh!>

Your Martha and Jonathan are amazing. Martha's insight into how to help Lois emerge from her depression and disappointment by giving her a reason to get out of bed and eat everyday made me love her even more. I wish I had a Martha of my very own.

I know Ann already quoted it, but this made me laugh out loud. I could totally see the characters in my mind.
“Cavort away,” I informed him, with a languid wave of my hand.

“I… beg your pardon?” he said, his voice cracking somewhere in the middle.

“I said, ‘cavort away’.” I sat up and enunciated more clearly.

“I, uh….” He came a few steps nearer, emerging hesitantly from the corn onto my tiny patch of front lawn. “I’m not sure what you mean by that.”

He was being very dense. My next fantasy lover would have brains and beauty, I decided, but for now I was willing to work with what I had.

“Cavort,” I told him. “It means to frolic about. To caper. But I was using it as a euphemism for sex.”
Lois and Clark's use of the Field of Dreams references made me smile and I loved the use of the elephant and the blind men in your story. I had just read that story for the first time last week while reading a book to my son. Fantastic way to show us the difference between her feelings for Clark vs those in her past.

Thanks for the WaFF!