Wow, Lois was perfect and intense to me. She was very mature and calulating. I liked her change in those two years, it was fabulous that she figured out the mystery, didn't keep Jimmy in the cold, went after what she wanted and didn't hesitate.
It was enjoyable seeing another potentional TOGoM outcome.

“But, you’re Lois Lane…,” the girl said in wide-eyed amazement. “You’re famous too. You used to know Superman.”
The opening was great, funny and made me curious.

“It would have been better with Clark,” she told him.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Perry said. “You’re still one of the best.”

“Damn straight,” she said with a shaky grin. Perry was right, as always. Clark would have tried to contact them, wouldn’t he?
Good she admitted that Clark was good, but I enjoy how she agreed with Perry about herself.

Two weeks later Perry was dead in the middle of the bullpen of a massive heart attack.
Good heart string pull. Poor Lois. Her 'home' has really been altered.

By the time Keene’s second book, An American in Borneo, hit the shelves, Lois already had a file started on the best-selling author C.J. Keene. She had copies of his magazine and newspaper articles from all over the world. He was as prolific as he was mysterious.
That's our Lois!

“I’ll be around when I’m needed,” he said. “I love Metropolis, its energy, its openness. But I need to be out in the rest of the world more. The kittens are just going to have to fend for themselves.” He chuckled a little at his own joke. “I’ve let Mister Brown know I won’t be available for any more personal appearances.”
laugh Hehehe.

When he’d traveled the world after college he had found it convenient to stay in rooming houses, cheap hotels, or to sublet apartments. He lived out of his suitcase – many times he never even bothered to unpack. His year and a half in Metropolis with his own apartment had spoiled him and he’d found it hard to return to that old lifestyle, at least in the beginning.
It is difficult to go back when one has had such changes.

He had actually tried living only as Superman for several months, sleeping in the sky and eating only what he could forage unseen or when he went home to his parents in Smallville.
I don't find that a great life, despite doing all the good he would have done during that period. Poor Clark, but he didn't fight hard enough to keep his life as Clark.

Superman didn’t have friends he could go out to games with, or sit down for coffee, or shoot pool with. Superman didn’t discuss politics or religion or last night’s soccer game or the latest movies. Clark Kent did that.
A person does need that.

“Mom, what’s up?” he asked as soon as his mother answered the phone.

“Lois called,” Martha Kent told him.

“What did she want?”

“She wanted to know if we knew where you were,” his father said from the second house phone.

“She’s figured it out, Clark,” his mother added.
She is one smart cookie. She didn't give up unlike Clark. I like what Clark did to try and have a real life and he became very sucessful - lucky guy - but to feel like you have to walk away from your life you prefer, that's not something Lois would do. He should have gone to her.

“Hello Clark,” a woman’s voice said from behind him. His heart jumped at the familiarity of the voice. He tried to stay calm as he looked over his shoulder to see a woman with short dark hair wearing a fashionable skirted business suit.

“Hello Lois.”
There meeting was so well done. So calm, yet there's an me anyways.

She chuckled and smiled at him. “You went to the club wearing bullet-proof vest. You played dead hoping they’d say something that would give you a lead into what they were planning only you hit your head when they dumped you out of the car. You’ve had amnesia before, it’s not too much of a stretch that you went into a fugue state and wandered off. You’ve only now really come out of it… or maybe you’re still confused.”

“It might work,” he conceded.

She gave him a triumphant grin. “Of course it’ll work. Of course, we could just move to Paris or Berlin.”
She makes it sound so easy.

Good stuff as always. I love your style.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.