I liked this. I found it an interesting situation and one that could have logically grown from the situation presented in the challenge.

I like that Lois is still a bright, successful individual who, like many of us, has had to deal with loss, but still realizes that she has to keep moving forward.

She misses Clark, and Perry greatly. As any of us would when a loved one is lost. But none of us 'quit living'. We know that for us the sun will rise the next morning and we have to get on with life.

Now we get to see her in a new situation. She's had her secret hope fulfilled in that she has found Clark alive... but what's next?

Can they find a way to move their life paths back together, or is it too late? 'They' say that you can never go home.

Tank (who thinks the getting to know each other again is going to be the fun part)