I have too little time for this, Dandello, but I had to respond anyway.

This was brilliant. I second everything Viv said. I have rarely felt Lois's love for Clark as strongly as I feel it here.

We use the word "love" to describe two emotions: (selfish) need on one hand, and unselfish, caring, giving generosity on the other. The first emotion has to to with getting one's own wishes, the other has to do with empathizing with another person and wanting what is best for him or her. (Of course, if you respect another person you can't decide all on your own what is best for him or her. It's possible to give love to another person in a condescending way, where you believe that you have all the answers.)

Of course, human love can't be all about giving love to others without wanting anything for yourself. People who are that unselfish are intolerable in the end. It's just not possible to understand what drives them. Show me a saint who is nothing but altruistic, and I'm going to believe that this is a con artist with an unpalatable hidden agenda - at least if he or she has the slightest interest in parading his or her goodness and showing it off to others!

No, if you ask me, the best people are those who have their own needs as well as a generous interest in others. And that is how I would describe your Lois in this fic. Lois most certainly has her own needs, and Clark is one of those needs, but she isn't a parasite who can't survive unless she can join herself unseparably to Clark and draw her very life force from him. She can go on without him, and she does. She does well, too. But she misses Clark, and she wants him back. Not because she absolutely needs him. But because "just Lane" isn't as good as "Lane and Kent".

But this Lois understands that "just Kent" also isn't as good as "Lane and Kent". And she most certainly understands that "just Superman" isn't even nearly as good as "Clark Kent from Metropolis".

He needs her. He does. They both need each other. Not because they can't go on without each other, because they can. But because they are both much happier with each other than on their own. And Lois knows that while she misses Clark very much and very much wants her back, she can give him at least as much as he can give her. Because she can help him find his way home, so he can stop running.

This is a most beautiful portrait of mature tolerance, understanding, generosity, caring and love.
