Bakasi, you really need to change your nick. Queen of Cliffhangers is more than just appropriate. And we can always call you Queenie. That should solve our little "baksi-problem" quite nicely.

So, for real feedback. (Better late than never...)

Putting his inhibitions aside for a moment, Clark placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before he called her name.

“Lois, wake up, you are having a nightmare.” He needed to repeat that several times, shaking her softly, before she opened her eyes. Startled she almost jumped out of bed, hitting Clark’s head and his hurt side in the process.
I love the way Clark reacts. So super-sweet. Really. And Lois reaction - well, what did you expect? That's just like her.

“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do,” he said, hoping this was going to help her. In fact he was far too tired to try anything, though he wasn’t sure this would still be true if she really pleaded with him to hold her tightly; to love her. He couldn’t have explained why he felt like this. All he knew was that being with her was the most incredible thing imaginable, even if she beat him up in the throes of a nightmare. “So which side is it?”
Well, he sure remembers how to treat Lois. And this reference to him being too tired - I bet he could muster some reserves if need be. drool

She needed to tell Clark that she loved him, like she had wanted to do since she had found that he was missing. But she didn’t know how she was going to do that. There were some confessions to make if she honestly wanted to take their relationship to the next step. She wasn’t sure yet if she really could admit to Clark how stupid she had been. It was another problem she needed to solve and unfortunately Clark wasn’t the right person to help her in this case. But she didn’t need to know that answer tonight, she decided wearily and lulled by Clark’s even breathing, Lois closed her eyes as well.
Oh, Lois, do it! Get up your courage and just do it!

A light pressure against her side reminded her that she wasn’t alone in bed. Just in the second before she wanted to jump out of it, Lois remembered who was lying next to her and relaxed.
It's good to see that her reaction changed. I like her not jumping out of bed.

Clark however hadn’t even tried to seduce her. He just held her; nothing else and still was there. Any other man wouldn’t have been patient like that, would have expected something from her that she wasn’t sure she was ready to give. A little embarrassed Lois noticed that she had practically given Clark an invitation to go further. She hadn’t really thought of what it would imply if she took her pants off. She had just been tired and eager to get a little more comfortable. Had he been he perfect gentleman because he didn’t want her? The nagging thought refused to subside and Lois bit her lip to keep from crying out her despair. She didn’t want to be rejected, not again, not like this, not by this man. Who, if not he, could be the person that made her complete?
Finally, she sees the light. Yes, Clark is definitely not what you'd call your typical male. wink And he sure wouldn't reject her. Not in this lifetime. Neither in any other.

Lois realized she wasn’t prepared to deal with the consequences of sharing Clark’s bed. He had kept his promise; he hadn’t forced himself on her. He just continued to caress her lightly in feathery moves that made her breathing shallow and her head dizzy. Her fingers itched to trace the outline of his muscular chest, to return some of the pleasure he was giving her. She wanted to bury her face in the crook of his neck and wished he would caress more than just her arm. Suddenly, the idea of taking things further didn’t seem all that scary anymore.
Awww! And "aww" again! This is so incredibly sweet. I love the sweet innocence in this situation as well as Lois' change of heart. Of course there's nothing scary about taking things further. At least not with Clark.

Lois felt Clark responding to her touch and his caressing hand wandered from her arm over to her back. A soft moan indicated that Clark became more alert as Lois started to nuzzle his neck, following through with her earlier fantasy. He felt good, addictive. Lois wasn’t sure what would happen if Clark became fully awake. The prospect made her slightly nervous, because she didn’t know how far she was ultimately willing to take this. Right now she was the one deciding things, but that could change quickly.
More awww! drool drool

Clark wasn’t sure if he was actually awake. Reality just couldn’t be so heavenly. He felt as if his heart would burst with happiness. This was bliss. He couldn’t get enough of the honey-like taste of her lips. Clark was lost in Lois, lost in the tenderness of her touch and the silkiness of her skin under his fingers. Everything around him had vanished into a haze, but he couldn’t care less as long as Lois was there. She felt so small and vulnerable in his arms and he wanted nothing more than to hold and protect her.
Even more aww. Incredibly sweet.

“I love you,” Lois said and almost flinched as she heard her own voice form this confession.
Finally! You did it, girl!

Lois didn’t notice how the receiver slipped from her hands and fell to the floor. She just stood there, her mouth gaping open as the same pictures were repeated over and over again. The stretcher in the dark alley, the coroner’s van, an interview with a policeman… The news anchor tried to put the message into different words, but he still meant the same.

Superman was dead.
jawdrop Oops. That doesn't sound good, does it? So get back here! I sure want to read "more, more, more" of this!

Just wanted to mention that I'll put all my toys back into place, though I'm not particularly famous for being tidy. wink
Oh-oh. I sure hope you're going to make an exception and be very tidy. Thoroughly tidy. We all want Clark Superman Kent back!

Hope you (and your betas) won't be too busy for too long!

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)