Wow! I don't know what to say. Superman dead? So is this Clark our Clark? He certainly seems to know that he belongs with Lois. Bit then, Superman should be minus the memories and not Clark. Clark Kent is the real person with the history. But maybe that's why Clark felt a need to help the man in the alley before Lois took him away.

The bed scene was just so beautiful, intimate but withiut sex. Lois and Clark made love with their hearts. They had an understanding ofeach other.
“Don’t go,” he pleaded. “Not because of me, Lois.”

“But…” she disagreed.

“What is this about, Lois? My bed is big enough and now that I’m awake I can move over to one side and you can have the other. Which one do you prefer?” He looked into her eyes and despite the darkness he could see the doubt in them. She didn’t seem to know which decision to make and he could practically see her inner struggle. Everything about her stance showed Clark that she didn’t really want to leave him. But she didn’t seem to think this was reasonable. Her fingers were playing with the blanket as her heart was fighting with her mind. There was no way to tell which side would win.

“I…” Her voice trailed off as if she had thought that her inner war was over, when just one battle had been won.

“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do,” he said, hoping this was going to help her. In fact he was far too tired to try anything, though he wasn’t sure this would still be true if she really pleaded with him to hold her tightly; to love her. He couldn’t have explained why he felt like this. All he knew was that being with her was the most incredible thing imaginable, even if she beat him up in the throes of a nightmare. “So which side is it?”

“The right one,” Lois replied shyly and he could vaguely discern that she lowered her glance to the floor. With a nod he moved over to the left, unsure whether she could have seen it. Clark noticed that his feet were cold and with a sigh he slipped under the blanket, lifting the other side of it up for Lois to join him.
This was so sweet, Clark persuading Lois to trust his honour. And she did.
“Would… would you hold me in your arms?” she asked, sounding embarrassed by her own question.

“Of course,” Clark murmured.
And then making herself totally vulnearable to him. Clark can now cancel the doubt that he had regarding Lois's feelings for him.
She swallowed hard and before Lois really knew it, she tasted his lips, felt their tenderness under hers. Stirring slightly, Clark opened his mouth to welcome her and she felt the light, lingering brush of his tongue against hers. He tasted like chili chocolate, spicy and sweet. It was incredible. Lois knew she had kissed him before, but right now it had an air of the forbidden. She wasn’t doing something two adults had consented to, like Clark would probably have put it. No, Lois Lane was being reckless in a completely new area. She hadn’t made a list weighing the pros and cons; she hadn’t discussed this with Clark. At any other time, she was jumping head first into disaster, but for quite some time now Lois hadn’t dared to even dip her toe into the pool of love.

Lois felt Clark responding to her touch and his caressing hand wandered from her arm over to her back. A soft moan indicated that Clark became more alert as Lois started to nuzzle his neck, following through with her earlier fantasy. He felt good, addictive. Lois wasn’t sure what would happen if Clark became fully awake. The prospect made her slightly nervous, because she didn’t know how far she was ultimately willing to take this. Right now she was the one deciding things, but that could change quickly. sensual...just so much passion.

And then...
“I love you,” Lois said and almost flinched as she heard her own voice form this confession.
I couldn't believe it. Lois told him. But then, that DAMN Jimmy...

Well done, Bakasi. You stepped up to our expectations. We're standing by, tapping our feet...waiting for your next post.



I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.