Ahhhhhhh! I forgot how much I was enjoying this one. I read 43 adn 44 just now (sorry no FDK on 43 just yet...I guess I'm doing this wrong.

Such a sweet chapter.


Lois and turned to face Clark. He had stood behind her, and she found herself close, looking up into his face. Suddenly breathless, the words she had been about to say fell dead and she just stared as memories slammed into her with the force of a flashflood.

She saw him, like she had the first time she had seen Superman as he darted into the space station and swallowed a bomb—saving her life and all others on board. She saw him, curled up and pale in the white room but still managing to smile—just for her. She saw him, sitting across from her desk day after day, always ready to help her despite how often she had shrugged him off.

Please let this work out all right.

“L-Lois? Wh-what is it?” Clark asked nervously, adjusting his glasses.

Lois swallowed, remembering their kiss early that morning, before Kal-El had left her. Before Clark had left her.

She had known who he was, then, and she had kissed him—Superman, Kal-El, and Clark. The whole package.

She had kissed Clark Kent. And it had been beautiful.
I was speachless and had a stupid grin on my face. I was happy that there was a waffy moment. Well it's waffish to me.

AHHHH! Where's 45! Puuuuuuuuullllease! clap

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.