[Linked Image] dance Yeah You're back!!!!!!!

Ok, I know I'm a little late getting to this post--I've been out of town for three weeks on vacation and just found it!!! laugh What a wonderful thing to find when I got home.

OK--I have a couple of things about both chapters and I'm going to put them here-please forgive me for being lazy--

A cat named Zupie?!? rotflol Somehow I just can't see that monster having a cat named after superman... oh the things you will do for your kids. And the cat was colored Bright Blue--I'm visualizing superman blue--were they trying to complete the image?

You know, I think Lois is right--He probably would have helped if they had asked.

I love the time in the lab when they were searching.

I am looking forward to the two of them both knowing that the other knows. there is a great line in the Lion in Winter that goes something like:"I know, He knows, I know he knows, he knows I know, We are a knowledgeable family" I'm so ready for it all to be out.

BTW-- rotflol -- all of Lois' Clark Kent Name alterations rotflol

I'm so glad you are back!

Johnny was a chemist,
Now Johnny is no more,
For what he thought was H two O
Was really H two S O four.
--Lab safety limrick--