Best line in the story...
This last bad guy had been amateurish at best, but what he lacked in experience he had made up for in Kryptonite.
It makes the short list because it packs both humor and anger into one sentence.

The foreboding feeling that ebbs through the story is delicious and all-consuming.

The power you give to Zod is chilling.
When Zod announced he was claiming the planet for himself, his voice thundered through the heads of every single human being on the planet.
I love the little pieces of humor you lace throughout the story--Lois' dream, genetically altered kittens, etc. It balances the dread nicely. And your descriptions are wonderful...
If she had had her way it would have been raining, angry clouds swirling around their heads as thunder and lightning warred for dominance in the heavens.
I didn't quite understand this. Our coffee pot isn't very heavy, and I wasn't sure why that would shatter.
This morning in their kitchen, he had barely been able to lift the coffee pot and had almost immediately shattered the coffee mug in his hands.
James and I have been reading fanfic out-loud to each other all week long. (Okay, the truth is that I've been reading out loud to him since he's so good at conning me into doing it and I fall for it every time.) I don't know what I thought I was doing when I starting reading this piece to him. Scratch that--I thought, "It's only a vignette. We can get through the whole thing tonight." I managed to eek my way through the whole thing without falling apart like a blubbering idiot. I only got teary-eyed at the end. Ya'll would have been proud of me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go cry into my pillow.
