Yep, you will hear this a lot... You are evil! Very evil. But OMG, this made for such an amazing story! You write the bestest evil stories ever and I love you for that! As for the puppy dog pouts (aaawww!) you should know by now that I really can't resist those at all. *giggles*

Fortunately, however, I was able to write this out pretty quickly.
Quickly? AH! Try lightning fast! Cat sent me a short snippet early today and by tonight, it was all done. I don't know how she writes so fast... I just sit there and try and try... and then end up on eBay. *lol*

And you have to realize that since she's been feeding me little bits and pieces of this story all day, I've been teary-eyed most of the afternoon and evening. Now that is even more evil... making a story last all day. :p

This last bad guy had been amateurish at best, but what he lacked in experience he had made up for in Kryptonite.
razz That's the worst kind of bad guy!!!

“Sure thing, Doc. No wrestling… kittens?”
<snort> That's so silly! I love that!

By the time she was six years old, Kaley Elaine and her mother had established a nightly ritual that would continue until she was ten. Her mother would ask what she wanted to hear for a bedtime story. The response was always the same, and even though her mother would resist at first, she would eventually relent.

“Tell me Daddy’s story."
...and here begineth the serious evilness and all the crying... GAH!

“You’re shaking, and I don’t think it’s from what we just did.” Her voice was soft and inquisitive, but he wasn’t sure what to tell her. Loving fingers began to softly thread through his hair and mercifully the feeling began to ebb away once more. “Just… whatever it is, don’t go through it alone. Please?”

He answered her with the only thing he was absolutely certain of. “I love you… so much.”
So sad and beautiful. *sniffles*

“Mamma?” She finally croaked out and the frantic woman stilled her movements. With a small voice she hadn’t used in years, clutching a worn black and white teddy bear and tucked in her father’s old bed, she asked for something that she hadn’t asked for in a child’s millennia.

“Tell me Daddy’s story.”
The "child's millennia" bit is so incredibly beautiful. And sad... OMG, sad!!!

He knelt before her on the floor, softly brushing her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Please,” he begged softly. “You know I need you on this. Without you, I have no strength.”
*sobs loudly*

“No, I don’t need you to come back to me." She took a deep breath, once again wondering if this was the right thing to do. “I need you to come back to us.”
Rip my heart out, why don't you... That was SO hard to read!

A surge of renewed strength flowed through him as he lifted his head. “My name is Clark Kent,” he growled before lunging forward again.
...and this is when I noticed there was a puddle of water around me. *sniffle* I can't tell you how much I love that you had him insist on what his real name is. OMG!!!!

I’m so sorry, Lois. He thought suddenly, as the world came rushing towards them. I’m not coming home for dinner.

As the ground got closer he could hear his name ringing out through the sky.

He squeezed his eyes shut and focused out everything else but what he was doing this for. As Zod’s struggling diminished, he let his mind go out to them.

I have my future to save.
You know... I've read this part at least 10 times already, but every time it has the same effect. I've got this really huge lump in my throat and I'm choking back tears like you have no idea. That's seriously one of the most poignant things I've read in a while. And the fact that you're using the comment about him not being back for dinner like he promised her before is just positively brilliant.

She struggled against the photographer, screaming. “Clark! Let me go I've got to get to him! I have to make sure he’s all ri- CLARK!” She couldn’t move then and could only slide to the ground.

It was over.


She screamed herself hoarse into Jimmy’s shirt, who didn’t bother with empty platitudes.
I cried so much at this! You evil mastermind, you! This was as hard to read as the death of Superman in the comics was, 14 years ago (omg... has it been so long already?)

“Mamma?” she asked, so softly that she wasn’t sure the other woman had heard until the movement against her side stilled. She kept her gaze steady on the pair of anxious eyes in the mirror as she swallowed. “Do you think he would be proud?”

A soft hand cupped her cheek and directed her gaze to a pair of similar brown eyes. “He’s been proud of you since before I told him about you.” The older woman gave her a soft watery smile. “You’re his legacy.”

Kaley tried to hold back the tears, but was betrayed by a loud sniffle.

“Tell me Daddy’s story.”
Now see... by now, I'm surrounded by a very large size puddle of tears. That was soooooooo heart wrenching. OMG!

You know that line in you sig that says you wish to one day write a story where people's hearts are ripped from their chests, puréed and all that and that they'll be standing in line for more? I think you can stop wishing because OMG, this is so it, Cat! And, honestly, seriously, *please* I want more!!! I loved this piece it was wonderful from the very first word all the way to the last one.

Thank you!!!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies