First off, I have to apologize to everyone. I've been offline for the last few days due to problems with my phone system. It's working again now (and yes, I am on dial-up) so I can get back to the boards.

Now, thanks to all who are reading this little tale. It kind of got away from me and my original idea that it would be just a couple of instalments. But it is finished now, and I'll be able to post the rest of it on a decent schedule (as long as my phone says working).

As to those of you who questioned Lois' lack of serious injury during the fight; I think I have provided for those questions. Also, Lois did hang in as long as she could, but she didn't last the entire 15 rounds. I forget the exact time, but she was knocked out eventually.

Normally I would have posted on Sunday, then again on Wednesday, but since I couldn't get online on Sunday, I'll be posting later tonight, and then again late Wednesday, or early Thursday.

I will be out of town over the weekend to attend a small comic convention in Des Moines, but will be back by Sunday to post then.

Thanks again to all.

Tank (who has been very frustrated not being able to get online for several days, which shows just how pathetic his life is)