Very interesting premise, Tank. I'm surprised that Lois figured out Clark's secret so early in the story, but it makes sense that she'd finally put two and two together and end up with four instead of twenty-two.

Like Ann, I was a bit surprised that you had Lois going fifteen rounds with a pro boxer. Most non-fighters couldn't stay in the ring with a real fighter for a single round, let alone that many. But if Lois takes care of herself and doesn't take any hard hits to the head for a long while, her brain should be able to compensate for (or even repair) the damage done to it. Boxers with brain damage almost always suffer from the cumulative effects, not from just one fight.

I wonder if the bad guys will make a mistake and let Superman out of the cage long enough for him to either get away or beat someone senseless for the way they're torturing Lois.

Which leads me to my next question. I know that you write Superman in a way that he would never = NEVER = take a person's life, but I don't know that Lois shares his absolute line on the subject. She obviously doesn't have his powers, and she's surely been seriously provoked, so if it looks like Kyle Griffin might actually kill Superman, would Lois protect Clark by taking a life?

Interesting question, even if that's not what you're leading up to. And I'll be there at the end to see just what you actually do with this narrative. It's been a fun ride so far.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing