Sweet Sue! Do you know how happy I am that you were finally able to finish this baby and put her to bed?

This story was wonderful - all throughout - and the ending certainly didn't disappoint.

You never fail to amaze me with your ability to write awesome dialogue. You are the queen of banter.

I picture the car scene so clearly in my mind with Lois hanging her hand out the window (I'm guilty of that too - since I'll never fly with Superman it's probably the closest thing to experiencing the wind whipping around me goofy )

And then their argument - I could really feel Clark's frustration... but also Lois's fear. Good job. And my favorite was the conversation once he took her to the motel. Oh god, carpet, and tile! A bathtub!!! LOLS! Way too funny. And the whole time Clark is trying to seduce her with his words but she is so totally enthralled by civilization that it takes a much more abrupt approach to get her attention. Ha ha.

And the ending <waffy sigh> how could you not love the sigh of a bare-chested Clark (mmmm, wearing nothing but a pair of well-worn Jeans and a smile - I LOVE that line) sitting on your bed with chocolate icecream. <g>

I must repeatedly thank my betas on this story - DJ, alcyone and Julia for their patience and help over the course of the writing the story. Especially DJ, who knows that I scrapped the last part, completely rewrote it and then scrapped it again and went back to the original version. She patiently eased me along to get this finished.
You're so very welcome. I knew you would find your way eventually and I knew there was no since rushing you. Your fics are way to good to be rushed. <g>


-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.