It was fortunate that Woody bumped up the previous part since it appeared that I had missed it somehow. I liked how it showcased Lois' greatest asset, her brain. Being put in the situation where she couldn't just react, but had to lie there and reason things out showed that when she's given the chance her mind is able to do amazing things. It was nice to see her 'work' it all out before knee-jerk emotionial responses had a chance to make things more difficult.

This instalment was fun (the car crash scene aside). Watching Lois as she watched Clark and having her realize how transparent he really is was a kick. Let's hope that her 'patience' will be rewarded and Clark won't have another reason to postpone his big reveal.

Anxious to see how Lois plays her response to the revelation.

A couple of well written instalments.

Looking forward to more.

Tank (who has been trying to figure out how Smirky will be able to work a haircut for Lois into the story)