<beams around at everyone with a broad grin>

Hello, everyone! It's great to be back! blush blush

<group hug>

jojo_da_crow wrote:
Smirky I have so missed you posting. Do you know what it's like to have someone give you crack and then just cut you off cold turkey? Huh??
laugh No, I've never had crack. At least . . . hm . . . <thinks deeply>. Nope. Still clean. thumbsup

I loved this chapter though. It made me laugh quite a few times. Man Meat thread! Haha that was great.
Couldn't help it. I've seen everyone drooling around at the pictures of Clark all over here and the rest of the net. Of course, I wasn't involved myself . . . laugh

You haven't lost your tocuh so don't worry. I loved how Lois tried to comfort him the best she could with out actually telling him that she knew. It is very refreshing to get to see her inner thoughts as she reconciles her images of Clark and Superman together. Very nicely done.
Whew! I'm glad I haven't! I was honestly very concerned coming back in that I might jump in with the wrong tone or characterizations. I'm glad it worked!

I can't wait to see how Clark is going to end up telling her. Something tells me it isn't going to be over a simple lunch... but who am I to say? It may just be just that.
<straight face> Yes, it could just be just that.


Thanks for your review, Jojo!

Woody wrote:
Wonderful part, Smirky. The emotion you infuse into the story is amazing. I also love the technique of using short sentences. It gives it a slightly disjointed feel which is perfect considering how Lois and Clark interact and feel after the "White Room"
Thanks for the overwhelming welcome, Woody, and for helping move my stuff back up the thread to help people review and all. Very appreciated! thumbsup

My normal writing is actually much more formal and complicated. In fact, I've been writing an original piece for years, and when I started writing DD and started experimenting with spacing and sentence structure I was positively delighted to find how much it added to the feeling throughout the whole thing. I'm flattered you've noticed, and I'm very glad the emotion is still going well, after this very long break! Thanks for the review, Woody!
