However, since he can't control himself in this fic, I figure that she wouldn't blame him and just try to put up with it, lol.
Ah, that makes sense. *nods*

I guess I thought that my perspective might be too unconventional - my favorite moments in the show were the parts where Clark was doing normal things (getting arrested, having to hire a lawyer, getting into a sex scandal, etc.)
Wow. That's *Normal*??? goofy

So anyways, I really wasn't sure if anyone else at all would even be interested in reading a fic about a public Super family that focused on the "trying to lead normal lives" and the "Whoa, Superman has a human wife...and he's *intimate* with her...and they have a teenage son!" aspects of it.
Okay, see the bold part? wink Seriously, though, I hope you realize by now that you've aquired a following. The "Superman as a normal guy" thing has always had a strange appeal to me, though you've done more with the "woah factor" and people's (believable!) reactions to him than I've ever dreamed of! smile Actually, I think even CC Aiken (Hail CC! Hail CC!) left off after the newly exposed Clark went to buy a bagel...

But then I read "The Talk" by Queen of the Capes, which was pure genius in combining all of these elements perfectly in a short fic
Aww, thankies! laugh

that didn't waste so much space like mine tend to do.
VSP...listen carefully: Your Fics Are SHORT! They are like little, *tiny* pieces of chocolate. Put the scissors away, kid; they do *not* need to be any shorter.

So, as you can see, it is I who am not worthy.
Vsp, you have a little bit of gibberish at the end of your post there---let me wipe that off for you. wink
