Originally posted by Olympe:
Great idea! Will there be a 9-1-3 for the JLA, too? laugh

Best friend? As in 'Humans are Kryptonian's best friend? *g* Lois is so not going to like this...
Thanks for the comments all!

Actually, I hadn't even thought about introducing the Justice League in this fic. They don't exist in this storyline, just like Jonathan doesn't exist in "Bureaucracy" (a fic I wrote in which the Justice League does exist)

Yeah, the title refers to humans being Kryptonian's best friend. It's not too much of a stretch, I think - Kryptonians are superior in many ways, but not in intelligence (they think faster, but not smarter), self-awareness, nor empathy, which basically puts them on the same level as humans, at least where the human audience is concerned.

However, you can kind of see how it might be possible for Kryptonians to view humans as humans view dogs - clearly inferior beings. We kind of saw this in Lord Nor, although he was kind of a special evil case.

It is of course possible however to consider other species inferior without wanting to enslave or kill them, though. There are nice people out there who consider themselves innately superior to cats and dogs, so why not a nice drunken Kryptonian with humans? smile