Chris, please don't think that I dislike your story! Far from it. I said in another feedback post, many, many chapters ago, that I like the idea of a plus-sized Lois. Thin may be in, but it's not the norm in most industrialized societies, certain diet gurus notwithstanding. And I admit it, I'm also a plus-sized guy.

I don't have any problem with her parachuting into the wheat field. It's totally in character for Lois. My only complaint was that, if Pete tried this nutty pickup scheme, he might injure Lois pretty badly. She's not muscular enough (in any incarnation of which I am aware) to behave like a circus acrobat. Trying to catch that rope is as likely to burn all the skin off her hands as it is to lift her out of the field. And if the FAA ever found out that any pilot pulled a stunt like this, he or she would be in big trouble. Might even lose his or her flying license. A small helicopter would work, if he knew how to fly one. They have crop-dusting copters, too.

My daughter tells me I'm too literal. If, for example, my wife asks me if I want to help her with the groceries, I might answer 'no' because I don't want to. But I'll still help, because I'm not really a thick-headed idiot. I know how much work is involved in loading up the pantry for all of us.

Anyway, it's just that the idea of Lois hitching a ride on a biplane that doesn't land is highly improbable to me, and it breaks me out of the 'willing suspension of disbelief' any L&C story requires (my own included).

So please don't think I'm clobbering you for this. I'm still reading, obviously, so please keep writing!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing