Hah - Woody! I didn't know you spoke "babbleese"... I guess I'd better watch what I say from now on. <g>

Hi Lara! Did I say he was a 'fictional character'? No, wait, Clark -- I'm sorry, really, I didn't mean it!!! <g> Thanks for the fdk Lara, and I hope Sue is enjoying it as much as the rest of you are.

Hi there Laurach! EXACTLY!!! I wasn't about to drag this story over to the nfic side. blush Whether it was okay with Sue or not... laugh Thanks for the fdk!!!

Hah, Jackie, thanks!

Hi Sheila. Sorry, just one closet at a time. wink

Ha ha, Tank. I think Sue might retaliate and write something mean about me if I cut her hair. goofy Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Symbolic. You're welcome...glad I could cheer you up. <g> I hope to post the next part sometime today, so hopefully you're feeling better and "not too sick" to read it.

Hi Jessi! Glad I was able to give you an attack of the giggles. We all need one of those from time to time. <g>

Hi there Ambar! Don't worry about that spin/buttons thing... trust me. wink Glad you're enjoying it and thanks for the fdk.

Thank you everyone for all the comments and fdk. I really appreciated it. I plan to have part 3 posted later today!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.