throwing Sue into Clark's arms, just didn't seem the way to go
So where's my motivation to keep reading? <pouts>
She had finally managed to find her voice, even if it did come out sounding like she had been a lifetime chain smoker.
True that. My son - a huge "Simpsons" fan has been asking me all week to say, "Let me talk to Marge/Put Marge on the phone."
The only reason she recognized it was because she had watched ‘Just Say Noah’ the other night doing some research for her latest fic and that was the tie...
Okay, not even I'm that obsessive. LOL. For the most part, I try to ignore his ties. The freckle and the hands... um, maybe. But not the ties. Definitely not the ties.
Grabbing hold of some skin on the back of her arm with her thumb and forefinger, she pinched it – hard. “Ouch!” she hollered, following up with a curse.
I wouldn't pinch myself. <g> And I only curse when I'm really, really excited or so angry I can't think of anything else to say. As in, "Sue opened up the closet door and saw Clark Kent and shouted, "Holy sh--!"
She walked out of her bedroom to find ‘Clark’ leafing through the notebook on her bed – her writing notebook.
And there's a flustered/angry situation where I'd use the exact same phrase. <g> Yes, I really do have a notebook. DJ knows about it because there was one terrible morning when I was at the corporate office and I was terribly certain I had left it sitting on my desk. Which would be okay if I didn’t have a co-worker who freely rifles through my stuff just to mess with my head. In the end, I still had the notebook. Whew. I was thisclose to a mental breakdown.
“I’m not sure,” she admitted.
Not true! I know exactly how DVDs work.
“Nothing evil about that – unless you’re one of those people who believe that Microsoft is the root of all evil.”
Have you ever studied for an MSCE? Microsoft is evil incarnate.
Sue smiled remembering all the times she had joked about that online. No one would ever believe this.
Which is why DJ has to make it up. I could tell you the truth and no one would buy it. <heh>
Oh, if her mother were here right now. She’d be appalled at Sue’s audacity.
Only if asked him to take it off. Go on, show me the zipper!
This situation was a little more difficult to solve than just your every day, run of the mill, plot hole.
Not true! DJ, you more than anyone knows the size of some of my plot holes in the early going.
"Show momma some thigh."
Jojo, there are simply no words. But there is a terrible Dean Cain B-movie -- "Best Men". You don't have to watch past the first two minutes either. <snerk>

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis