And can you imagine what’s going to happen when Jenni finds out there was more than than just the girl in the barn?
Vividly! She'll be a force to be reconned with. Poor Zared. evil

rue, but at the time Claire chose to have sex (before the rape) Jon and Hannah hadn’t done that yet. Maybe they caused some problems with their skinny dipping… Hmm?
Bruce said the didn't. And he's the world's greatest detective...

Oh, but maybe Clark needs some time to shake some sense into that boy (K’al) and teach him to be a more gentle soul.
I wonder if that's still possible. Well, you'll let us know.

Los (who is to stay, of course).
Don't give me that look!

You can thank Mellie for this. She wrote about ½ of this paragraph.
Was it really that much?
quote: Yes, Alex sure messed with her head. The creep.
Yes, he is a creep… I might have to kill him…
Make it kryptonite poisoning!

Gaaahhh!!! Let's hope that was just Mari fooling around with him!!!
I have the sinking feeling in my stomach that it's K'al...

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)