Thanks for the reviews, everyone. I just got out of my first and hardest final, and it was great to come home and be able to enjoy them.

So, the Secret and Outside Business.

Tank, first of all, it was great to see that you had reviewed and were following the story. I'm honored. <bows> After all, I've read all about you in the forums and around lcff in general. Nice to 'meet' you at last.

For the whole Outside Business, I was actually wondering if someone was going to mention the fact that the past 2 days they've completely cut themselves off from...everything. It was a weakness I noticed, but figured I'd just shrug it off until later--they are in shock, as Terry L. said, and I thought that could excuse the fact that they are still trying just to live moment-by-moment right now. The big picture is too much to take in, and they're still reeling from everything. And as you mentioned, Tank, I am writing this story from a very closed Clark and Lois perspective--which, in this case, is indeed a weakness. I'll see what I can do to fix that.

Thanks for the questions, comments, etc. Contructive criticism is as welcome as anything.

As for Clark's secret, I'm putting it in the same kind of boat. He's been through a *very* traumatic experience, and even if he does trust Lois, any insecurities that he had about himself and being rejected would be magnified 1000000+ times. Of course Lois wouldn't reject him at this point, but Clark's not thinking that way. You really can't blame him for a little irrational fear after all he's been through. So, no. He doesn't have a good excuse at this point. But you really can't blame him.

Again, thanks for the reviews, questions, concerns, etc...

I'm off to edit the next chapter. Hopefully it should be up in an hour or so.
