"Gat" was used as slang for a handgun in a lot of older gangster movies. I don't know if it came from real life or not.

To respond to Tank's very reasonable concerns, it seems to me that the irrepressible, amazing, undefeatable Lois Lane has gone walkabout and left in her place a woman frightened almost to death for the super-hero she has worshipped but now sees as less than god-like, but who is now falling in love with that same less than god-like hero. I think the time spent in that white room affected Lois mentally and emotionally as much as it affected Kal-El physically. She's not acting like herself yet, as if she is suffering from some form of post-traumatic stress. (Which would be a perfectly reasonable explanation to me.)

And when she does find out? Whew! That promises to be a really stinky kettle of fish! I can hardly imagine Lois accepting Clark's explanation and apology now. There's no way she'd believe that he was trying to protect her somehow, or that he just "couldn't find the proper time" to tell her. One of the previous feedback threads intimated that Clark was digging himself a really deep hole with Lois. I agree. In fact, this situation has the potential to destroy any deep trust Lois might have for Clark, and if you don't fully trust someone, how can you truly love that someone?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing