In less than 20 years? Did they evolve the long hair too?
for the record, I think it's more like 70 years. Between the Original Series and The Next Generation, it's something like that...

We don't know how they evolved, though, really. According to Worf in "Trials and Tribble-ations" (Deep Space Nine epiosde that's just brilliant!) they "do not talk about it". Nice way of explaining things, huh?

(yeah, yeah, I know all this stuff off the top of my head... big time trekkie... *lol*)

Now.... on to actual feed back. cause I"m so off topic, it hurts... wink

I'm loving that it starts all over again like the first time. That whole "groundhog day" thing - I just love it. smile

She frowned at him. “So you just took it?” She yanked her hand away from his, grabbing her key back from him and gesturing wildly with her other hand. “Just like that, no discussion? Did you know that I wouldn’t remember again this morning? Is that why?”

“No, that’s not it, I...”

“If you didn’t want me to drive, all you had to do was offer to drive me. It’s simple. You didn’t have to take my key!”

He mentally shook his head. Oh, if only it were that simple.
I'm sure it's not really supposed to be, but I find that part just plain hilarious. Poor Clark. I truly feel for him. But man, it's just so funny!!

Great explanation about the whole amnesia issue. smile Reminds me of a documentary I saw about this man who could only remember a few minutes at a time and then poof, gone again... poor man. And poor man's family. frown I hope Lois gets her memory back eventually!!!

He was Superman – he was *always* right... or at least *thought* he was. She rolled her eyes in disgust.
ah! looks like she might. hehe - that's going to be fun to "watch". smile

Can't wait to see what happens next! (well, I mean, I have a good idea... Lois wakes up and we realize she's forgotten again. hehehe! but you know... after that. LOL)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies