Well, imagine how hard Adam Sandler's character worked to make Drew Barrymore's character (thanks for setting me straight, Woody) realize that she is in love with him, and he is her boyfriend (and later on, husband, and - whoops! - father of this child, her child?)

But Clark has to make amnesiac Lois realize that he is not her boyfriend and will never be her husband or the father of her child. Hmmmm. Why do I find it rather hard to sympathize with him?

Love how the doctor more or less ordered him to be there for Lois, though. Yeah, Clark, try to wiggle your way out of that one!

(And I loved how Lois was yelling for Superman, mostly to ask him if he knew what had happened to her hair. It added some delightful absurdity to the situation.)

Like Woody said, that bug analogy was splendid. Well, in the movie the doctor told Drew Barrymore's character that she still had her sense of humour, at least. So, apparently, does Lois, even if her humour is of the slightly morbid kind. But then, it always was.

And I love the idea that Lois is going to work at the Daily Planet, in spite of her amnesia! Wow, that situation sure has a lot of potential. goofy (You know, as in "By A. L. Lane and N-A. C. Kent - By Amnesiac Lois Lane and Non-Amnesiac Clark Kent! And just imagine all the explaining Clark will have to do to Lois every morning! Oh, wow!)

Fascinating, DJ and Sue! Please come back soon with more!
