I thought "Hit someone with the heel of your shoe, Lois. They won't get up from that."
The ew potential was high here (which shows you how I always expect the gruesome), I'm glad Smirky Raven didn't go into detail here--but still kept the bang. I love Action!Lois. I qoted DJ, since she was the first to highlight the heel.

A light at the end of the tunnel like some people said. I'm looking forward to the emotional wrap up to this no matter when it might come.

(and I'm intrigued by your English paper--I have yet to read Heart of Darkness, I know its my cup of tea, but I have stacks and stacks of stuff to read all. Shamefully I'm rather under-read in English lit)


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan